Betakaroten is a precursor to vitamin A, one of the most important vitamins in the body. With its betakaroten, GAAM ensures that your skin and mucous membranes remain healthy and functional. It also plays a role in supporting the immune system. When needed, the body can convert the carotenoids you consume into vitamin A.
- Some protection from the sun
- Healthier skin tone
- Good for preventing night blindness
- Healthier skin
Why does betakaroten make you tan? It's the pigment in betakaroten that gives carrots their orange color. It works similarly when you use betakaroten as a supplement. GAAM's Betakaroten activates the skin's pigment production process, resulting in a naturally darker skin tone. Betakaroten also activates the skin cells' melanin production process, providing some natural protection against the sun's harmful rays.
Is betakaroten dangerous? Betakaroten from the GAAM Health Series is not dangerous. When your body doesn't need more vitamin A, betakaroten is stored in fatty tissue instead. If you consume too much betakaroten over an extended period, you may risk getting carotenemia. It's usually characterized by yellowing of the soles of the feet and palms of the hands, while the skin transitions from a tan to a more orange hue. It's a completely harmless condition and often resolves on its own.
1 capsule daily.
60 capsules.