
Information about Cookies


A cookie is a text file stored in your browser that allows our server to identify visitors' computers as unique users. GAAMNutrition.com uses cookie files to facilitate analyses aimed at improving the customer experience and enabling personalized advertising messages based on the visitor's activity.


GAAMNutrition.com uses cookies to improve the user experience. This is done through the analysis of visitors' activity on the website and navigation. This information never contains any personal information as all visitors are analyzed as a group.

The analysis tool used is Google Analytics, a service provided by Google Inc.


GAAMNutrition.com may use third-party cookies to generate targeted messages based on previous activity (retargeting). Information shared with third-party networks will never contain personal information.

GAAMNutrition.com uses cookies to target ads through Google's display network. Said network does not store personal information such as name, email address, address, or phone number. If the visitor does not want to receive targeted advertising, they can disable this feature by visiting http://www.networkadvertising.org/choices/.

Blocking and Deleting Cookies

The user can block cookies by setting the browser to perform this activity. It is also possible to set the browser to continuously allow the user to accept or decline the use of cookies depending on the website. However, this action can significantly impair user-friendliness and make it impossible to complete purchases.

By going into the browser settings, the user also has the option to delete cookies at any time. The procedure varies depending on which browser the user utilizes.

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